Legal Rights of Polish Woman: What is Happening and Why?date: 2021-04-15
Jagiellonian Law Society is a non-affiliated and non-partisan professional organization. One of our aims is to educate fellow Americans about the long and noteworthy Polish history, elucidate the remarkable diversity of Polish culture, and help shed light on long and distinguished history of Polish legal thought. We also aim to create a bridge between the current Poland and the Polish American Polonia. We take no position on political issues, but we wish to provide a non-partisan forum for the exchange of scientific and legal ideas and a respectful debate; we believe in education and we want to enhance mutual respect and understanding between people. It is with these aims in mind, that we would like to inform you about the upcoming Zoom webinar on What is Happening in Poland and Why? on April 15, at 12 pm US EST.
Poland is experiencing a large-scale social movement on a scale unseen since Solidarity fueled by a grounds-up mobilization of large segments of Polish society. These mass protests started after the decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal on October 22, 2020 and have been continuing. The Polish president has recently announced that the Polish governments intents to withdraw Poland from the Istanbul Convention, a comprehensive pan-European convention aimed at stopping violence against women and children and the Polish Parliament began debating a new bill called No to Gender, Yes to Family. These events were followed by even more protests.
While one can certainly agree or disagree with the merit or the style of protests or one can disagree with the position of the government, it is harder to grasp a more comprehensive understanding. Polish history is complex. There is a significant historical trauma that underlies and mediates contemporary behaviors of Polish people, including their perceptions and responses to key moral, ethical, and legal choices. The upcoming webinar aims to provide that understanding.
A distinguished faculty of Polish academics and lawyers will try to explain the current dilemmas and problems facing Poland. The webinar will try to elucidate the current legal situation in Poland, analyze the scope of new laws, and explain legal challenges to Poland under the applicable EU and UN laws. It will also offer a preliminary social-cultural, anthropological, and sociological analysis of the recent events. The webinar is free of charge.